Bad Credit? We Can Help!

Bad Credit Car Loan NH

We understand that sometimes people run into financial difficulty through no fault of their own. Layoffs, divorce, medical emergencies, and other unanticipated events can happen to anyone, and can result in bad credit.

We understand that, due to events beyond their control, many Americans have experienced bankruptcy and foreclosure recently. We are willing and able to help you re-build your credit by securing a car loan for you. Our experienced financial professionals have access to many lenders and have the connections and the know-how to get you a loan.

Most importantly, our courteous and professional staff will treat you with the respect you deserve regardless of your credit history.

Start rebuilding your credit today. It's secure, quick, easy, and completely hassle-free! With one of NH’s largest selections of new and used and used vehicles we can help.

Common Credit Issues


Many people have experienced bankruptcy. We understand that bankruptcy can happen to anyone, and we are ready to help you re-build your credit and get a fresh start.


A repossessed vehicle will not automatically disqualify you for another car loan. Our financial service professionals are here to help! Give us a call and we will start the process of getting you a car loan.

Late payments or slow pays

Things happen. Whether a bill gets misplaced or an automated payment takes too long, there are plenty of reasons why people miss payments or make late payments. Our financial services team can work out most credit problems for you, even slow pays.


Many people in New Hampshire have lost their homes due to the current economic climate. Our financial service managers are ready to help you get back on your feet. Start improving your credit today by applying for a car loan.

Charge Offs

Even if you still have unpaid debts, we are willing to work with you and help you get the loan you need for a new or used car.


Getting an auto loan after a divorce can be a tricky ordeal. If you are wondering how to get an auto loan after going through such a rough part of life, we can help!

First-Time Buyers

We have a dedicated team of financial professionals who specialize in helping first-time car buyers with auto loans for a vehicle lease or purchase.

Here is some additional information regarding credit and a car loan:

Missed or late payments can adversely affect your credit score. If this has happened to you, you are not alone! According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 43 million Americans have unpaid medical debt on their credit reports. To add some context to that large number, the United States Census Bureau lists the population as 324 million people, meaning that 1 in 8 Americans have unpaid medical debt on their credit reports. This number does not even take into account other potentially missed payments on mortgaged, car loans, student loan payments, or credit cards.


If you are struggling with less than perfect credit, we want to do our best to help you put that behind you and start rebuilding your credit right away. Getting a car loan and making payments on time is an excellent way to rebuild your credit.


According to the Fair Isaacs and Company (FICO) website, your credit score is based on 5 factors with different weighting: payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new credit (10%), and types of credit used (10%). Getting an auto loan and paying it on time every month will cause your credit score to improve over the life of the loan.


We have a dedicated team of financial service managers who have cultivated relationships with dozens of lenders. If you have been denied a loan in the past, let our experienced professionals help you get a new auto loan. It is never too late to start turning your credit around, and we have an experienced team that can help you every step of the way. Give us a call today or fill out our quick, easy and secure online credit application to start getting your credit back on track!