College Graduate Rebate

College Rebate Laconia NH

Graduates - Get $500 in Factory Rebates toward the purchase or lease of your next new Chevrolet at Irwin Chevrolet!

Have you graduated from college in the last two years? If so, you may qualify for the Chevrolet College Graduate Finance Program . Irwin Chevrolet along with GM Financial Services, will give you $1000 toward the purchase or lease of select new Chevrolet in Laconia, NH. Going to college doesn't just get you a higher paying job. It also allows you to participate in The Chevrolet College Graduate Finance Program! College is expensive that is why GM Financial Services is offering a finance plan that features the following:

  • No money down and no monthly payments for the first 90 days on select finance programs on all new NH Chevrolet vehicles at Irwin Chevrolet
  • Competitive APRs and one year of complimentary Roadside Assistance on all new untitled Chevrolet vehicles
  • GM Financial and Irwin Chevrolet are proud to offer a $500 factory rebate  when you purchase or lease any new Chevrolet.

How To Qualify

In order to qualify for this factory rebate, you must be a college graduate, employed and must have insurance and the credit criteria requirements. There are many ways in which to qualify as a college graduate. GM Financial Services and your NH Chevrolet dealer, Irwin Chevrolet, considers you a college graduate if:

  • You have graduated from an accredited four-year college, university, or registered nursing degree program during the last two years or graduate from such a school/program within the next six months
  • You have graduated from an accredited two-year college during the last two years
  • You are enrolled in an accredited graduate degree program or have received a degree from an accredited graduate program during the last two years
  • You have completed an electrician apprenticeship/certification program during the last two years through the NJATC and the IBEW

Proof of Employment

In order to qualify you need to show proof of present employment or future employment with a start date within 120 days of your purchase contract date. Note that GM Financial Services must deem your income sufficient to cover living expenses and vehicle payments.

Proof of Insurance

Anytime you purchase or lease a new, or even used car, collision insurance is a must. Please have proof of collision insurance. If you have questions about any of these qualifications, your NH Chevrolet dealer staff at Irwin Chevrolet is hear to help!

If you are a College Graduate and want to save some cash on a new Chevrolet in NH, contact Irwin Chevrolet at , today!

"Being a recent College Graduate every penny counts. I appreciate their straight foward and competitive price. No games."

Billy D., South Boston, MA